Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Literature of Protest": Muckraking and Reformation

As a follow up to my first blog topic about Boss Tweed and political corruption, I decided to do my next topic on muckraking. Think Boss Tweed, but on a larger scale.
A defining moment in American journalism, muckraking helped bring to light many of the horrors and corruptions found within our financial, social, and political systems. Just like I selected the Boss Tweed story because I felt it was relatable due to our recent financial meltdown, partially caused by greed and underhanded dealings; I find this muckraking story relatable as well for many of the same reasons. The big corporations trying to get over on the public, and journalism standing up for the little guy and exposing the truth, regardless of consequences. It's moments like these that really helped make journalism the powerhouse it is today and it is also a moment we should look back on and learn from.
I feel our country currently lacks this kind of raw, hard hitting journalism that asks tough questions and exposes what's really going on behind the scenes.I will once again be using Rodger Streitmatter's Mightier Than The Sword: How the News Media Have Shaped American History as a reference, as well as images and videos I find along the way.

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